
Understanding the Bible as a Whole

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How can anyone understand the overall message of the Bible? How do the historical and prophetic books, the gospels, and the epistles fit together? There is actually a connecting thread running through the Bible. And there is a simple method to discover it. Using this method, you can see how everything fits together. It explains things that, on the surface, seem contradictory. Do you want to know how it works? Actually, it's quite simple: The Bible identifies a number of different time periods or "dispensation" in which God tested mankind in different ways. If you understand the different tests God used different dispensations, you will find it much easier to understand the Bible passages relating to these dispensations.
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Dimensions 24 × 17 × 0.5 cm (Height × Width × Thickness)
Author Hardt, M.
Binding pb
Subject Bible Study, Commentaries & Major Reference Works, Commentaries (New Testament), Commentaries (Old Testament)
ISBN-Number 9783988240187
Number of Pages 96
Language English