An Outline of 'A Chart of the Ages

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For about 80 years this basic chart display has helped thousands better understand the "timing" of Scripture - how different events of both biblical history and prophecy relate to each other. It helps explain dispensational truth, that God works His unchangeable principles in different ways at different times. We are sure you will find this modernized edition of both the chart and the book interesting viewing and reading!


  1. An Outline of a Chart of the Ages
  2. The Dispensations
    1. 1st Dispensation: From Adam to Flood
    2. 2nd Dispensation: From Flood to Abraham
    3. 3rd Dispensation: From Abraham to Cross
    4. The Cross: The Center of the Dispensations
    5. 4th Dispensation: Present Church Age
    6. 5th Dispensation: Tribulation Period
    7. 6th Dispensation: Millennial Reign of Christ
  3. Events after the Millennium
  4. Closing Remarks
  5. Appendix: Daniel's 70 Weeks
More Information
Author Daniel, R. P.
Binding pb
ISBN-Number 978-0-88172-275-8
Language English
Number of Pages 80
Subject Christ’s Return & Prophecy