CD Rom containing Hugo Bouter’s books in several languages

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  1. Dutch
    1. Abba, Father (Abba, Vader)
    2. Encounters at the Well (Ontmoetingen bij de Bron)
    3. Fight the good fight (Strijd de goode strijd)
    4. Samson, loser or winner? (Simson, verliezer or winaar?)
    5. The prophet Elisha (De profeet Elisa)
  2. English
    1. Bethel, the Dwelling place of the God of Jacob, 2nd ed.
    2. Christ the Wisdom of God, 3rd ed.
    3. Divine Design, God’s Plan of Salvation
    4. In the Beginning, Gen 1-11
    5. Jacob's last words, 3rd ed.
    6. John the beloved disciple, 2nd ed.
    7. Reflections on the Greatness of our Lord Christ, 2nd ed.
    8. The Story of the Ark of the Covenant, 3rd ed.
    9. The Healing of Naaman
    10. The Lord's Coming
  3. French
    1. In the Beginning (Au Commencement)
  4. German
    1. Divine Design, God’s Plan of Salvation (Der Ratschluss Gottes)
    2. The Healing of Naaman (Die Heilung Naamans)
  5. Italian
    1. In the Beginning (Nel Principio)
  6. Norwegian
    1. John the beloved disciple, (Johannes, den elskede disippel)
  7. Spanish
    1. In the Beginning (En el Principio)
    2. The Healing of Naaman (La Curación Naamán)
More Information
Language Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian
Subject Bible Character Studies, Christ’s Return & Prophecy, Commentaries & Major Reference Works, Commentaries (New Testament), Commentaries (Old Testament), Devotional, Ecclesiastical, Pastoral Care, Person of Christ, Practical Christian Living
Author Bouter, H.